A drunkard sold these plane wreckage as scrap. Who knows what kind of plane this is?

A drunkard sold these plane wreckage as scrap. Who knows what kind of plane this is?
During the recent search and excavation, a 75 Engagement Panzer Assault Badge and Close Combat Clasp. The two medals were intertwined and could not be separated.
During recent excavations, a new Waffen-SS M40 helmet was found. The helmet is very sturdy and has nice decals, typical ET style decals.
Recently, two German M18 helmets were found in the Königsberg area of the former German East Prussian territory. The helmets have rotted, but they are very rare!
This Focke-Wulf Fw-190F-8 fighter, serial number Wk Nr 581808, was discovered in the summer of 2019 near the city of Priozersk, Leningrad region. He was shot down on August 4, 1944 during a battle with Soviet Hurricanes; the pilot jumped out with a parachute, but did not survive.
1944-08-04, 1./SG 5, Fw 190 F-8, 581808, Q9+BT, Kuusikkoniemi
Flugzeugführer Ogfr Kruppa, Alfred, +Absturz brennend in den Vuoksiim 16.40 Uhr. Bruch 100 %. Ogfr Kruppa mit Fallschirm abgesprungen aber in Fluss Vuoksi ertrunken.